One of the lesser-known betting systems in roulette, the Romanosky, brings a lot to the table that makes it truly worth considering for bettors at various levels. However, before you can determine whether this system is worth trying out for you, you need first to know what it’s all about and how it operates.
The Basics Of The Romanosky System
Romanosky is simply a method of betting in roulette that allows you to cover up to 32 numbers with eight different units, leaving just five numbers out of bets in the process. It provides you with a transparent platform on which you can easily bet low probability numbers instead of simply betting on just one number. Because of its numerous properties, it’s often considered the ideal betting strategy for new and professional bettors who operate with larger bankrolls. There are also numerous variations of this betting system. We’ll be going into those now.
Variation One – The Romanosky Bet 1
Before making any moves here, kindly note that you’ve to use this particular betting strategy only on one-zero roulettes, regardless of whether you’re playing French or European Roulette. With this method, you place a wager on single zero numbers, and you’re provided with a chip on your win. What you do is you place one unit on squares 25-29 and 32-36. Next, you put three teams on dozens 1 and 2.
The uncovered numbers such an action leaves you with are 0, 27, 30, 31, and 34. As a result, your probability of winning increases to 86%!
Variation Two – Romanosky Bet 2
In this instance, you use three units on dozens while you use 1 unit to cover corners 26-30 as well as 31-35. It leaves the numbers you didn’t cover as 0, 25, 28, 33, and 36. Doing this also assures you of an 86% chance of winning. What’s more, you also get one chip worth of profit on each win. You can also increase your chances by betting on a single number here.
Variation Three – Romanosky Bet 3, 4, 5 and 6
This last variant follows the same strategy as the two systems preceding it. In addition to this, each one comes with one chip per win. The only difference to note here is that you’ll be covering slightly different corners and dozens. Also, other numbers will be left uncovered here as well.
For Bet 3
Wager 3 units on dozen 1 and 3. Wager 1 dozen for corners 13-17 and 20-24. It leaves 0, 15, 18, 19, and 22 uncovered.
For Bet 4
Wager 3 units on dozen 1 and 3. Wager 1 dozen for corners 14-18 and 19-23. It leaves 0, 13, 16, 21, and 24 uncovered.
For Bet 5
Wager 3 units on dozen 2 and 3. Wager 1 dozen for the corners 1-5 and 8-12. It leaves 0, 3, 6, 7, and 10 uncovered.
For Bet 6
Wager 3 units on dozen 2 and 3. Wager 1 dozen for the corners 2-6 and 7-11. It leaves 0, 1, 4, 9, and 12 uncovered. In each of these scenarios, the probability of winning remains 86%. So, you can wager as much as you want. However, remember that there’s a 14% probability you’ll lose, so tread wisely!
While this method offers you a reasonably high chance of winning, the element of chance cannot be overruled here. As such, make sure you set a limit for your activities before going in!