Unlocking The Secrets Of Mastering Blackjack Card Counting

Unlocking The Secrets Of Mastering Blackjack Card Counting

Unlocking The Secrets Of Mastering Blackjack Card Counting

Blackjack card counting can seem like a myth or only seen in movies. However, please be assured that it is very much accurate. Not only that, players who can accomplish this feat – a brain-intensive craft that is by no means easy – have the chance to reap fantastic profits from blackjack. Here are a few things one should know to become a card counter.

Is Card Counting Illegal? – NO!

First, let’s get this out of the way – is it illegal to count cards at blackjack? The short answer is no; it is not. A card counter has neither broken any rule in the casino book nor state or federal legislation. Such a player possesses a sharp mind or is willing to work his brain off hard enough to try and help themselves at blackjack. However, popular culture, including movies like “21,” might have many people thinking that the art of card counting is illegal. In that 2008 blockbuster, card counters are treated ruthlessly by Cole Williams (played by Laurence Fishburne), a casino security chief tasked with apprehending them. People’s perception of card counting might deter players who would have made a massive killing at blackjack from being unable to reap the fruits of their skill.

However, Some Casinos Can Stop You From Playing

Yes, a casino can stop card counters from patronizing their establishment. Unfortunately, it is actually within their rights to deny anyone, for any reason, the request to enter. It means that should you be identified as a card counter; you would be less than welcome at most casinos. And why would you be? Blackjack is a game of player vs. the dealer, who represents the house. That means if you consistently get huge wins, you directly eat into the casino’s profit. Most casinos are well aware of card counters, and many players left. However, don’t let that deter you. All it means is that you might have to hop casinos often to play at venues where the management does not know of you and your clever little craft.

Casinos’ Alternative Strategy Against Card Counters

Unfortunately, from the casinos’ perspective, asking a player to leave does not make for good optics with the other customers. It is because other gamblers may perceive the casino as sore losers who wish to do away with players who win against them. Therefore, many casinos have adopted a more socially palatable way of dealing with card counters: using multiple decks instead of just one. Of course, numerous card decks make the counting job harder, and a card counter may stay away from tables or casinos using multiple decks – casinos may use as many as five! However, a sound card counter can employ particular strategies that would enable them to be successful even against multiple decks.

You Can Learn Card Counting

Yes, card counting is a teachable/learnable skill. Of course, one must have a sharp mind, be attentive, and know a thing or two about math, but nobody was born a card counter. If you’re determined enough and willing to put in the time to master the craft, there’s no real reason why you use it to make proper money at blackjack. Additionally, there are multiple card-counting strategies, meaning that every punter can choose the best for them. A few of the better-known methods are:

  • The Hi-Lo technique (the most basic way and the most popular).
  • The Omega II system.
  • The Wong Halves technique.
  • The Victor Advanced Point Count system.

All these systems generally revolve around assigning values to various cards and keeping count of the total value. The total value tells the player when to raise or lower their bets. If done well, good players can outsmart the casino big time.