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Labouchere Betting System In Roulette

Labouchere Betting System In Roulette Blog

Roulette is one of the oldest casino games you’ll likely encounter today. Because of this, there are several betting strategies you can try out to win big here. These methods are remarkably uncomplicated, like the D’Alembert and the Martingale system. However, some of these strategies are incredibly complex. The Labouchere betting system is one such system. Unlike simple progressive betting systems, this particular betting strategy is rather intricate and will require a few attempts before you can fully get the hang of it. Here’s what to know about it.

The Basics Of Labouchere Betting Strategy

Also commonly referred to as the American Progressive and Split Martingale, the Labouchere is a negative progression betting system. It means that, with this technique, you need to increase your bet after every loss. The operating principle behind this is that you can recover all that you’ve lost with a smaller number of wins. It differs from the Martingale as you won’t be looking to recover all your losses with one win. Now, let’s see how this system works in roulette.

Labouchere Betting In Roulette

Created by Henry Labouchere, you use it for even money bets. It means that you use it to place bets on things like odd, even, red or black. However, it can operate in even-money propositions. To get started using this strategy, you need to write down a sequence of numbers. This sequence can be composed of any range of numbers and can be as long or as short as you want. However, you need to ensure you put considerable thought into creating this array of numbers. For example, let’s say your sequence is 4-5-6.

Your potential with this strategy is directly tied to the total value of the numbers in your sequence. In this case, that would be 15. Now, each time you place a bet, your stake would be the total of the first and last figures in your sequence. From our sequence above, that’ll be 10 (4+6). When you win this wager, scratch the two numbers you added off your list. It means you’ll cancel 4 and 6, leaving you with 5. Five would be the value of your next wager.

However, if you have lost that bet, they will add the wager’s value to your sequence. So, the sequence would then become 4-5-6-10. And that’s basically how the Labouchere system works!

Improvements On The Labouchere Betting Strategy

Over the years, bettors have adopted numerous variations of this betting system. Some of these include;

  • Modifying the initial sequence.
  • Splitting when you lose.
  • The Reverse Labouchere.

We’ll break down how each strategy works in our next post.


The Labouchere system is excellent, but it doesn’t work wonders. All it essentially does is introduce order to how you play. It doesn’t swing the game in your favor.